Autumn Equinox 2012 Predictions

On Saturday, September 22nd, at 7:49 am we have the fall equinox. Equinoxes happen twice a year, once to mark the beginning of Spring and this one to mark the beginning of Autumn. This is the point when the Earth is neither tilted towards nor tilted away from the Sun, it’s equal.

The Autumnal Equinox also marks the first day of the sign of Libra. In Astrology we call this chart an Ingress and it gives us a view of the next three months. Here’s some quick insights into what’s happening for each sign for people living in the USA on the West Coast.

Aries: In this final quarter of the year your focus is on relationships. You will be meeting new people and finding things in common. People will want to lend a hand in your life.

Taurus: Your focus will be on investments and passive income sources. You will have some opportunities to invest in some better instruments and move money to places that will bring you much better returns over the next few years.

Gemini: You’re turning your thoughts to travel. There’s an opportunity for an unexpected trip to a great destination. And you won’t be alone. There are friends and loved ones involved in the trip.

Cancer: Your mind is on career this quarter and the opportunities it can bring. There’s a possible raise or promotion there waiting for you. And for those of you job hunting your prospects look quite good.

Leo: Friendships are on your mind and you can meet someone becomes one of the best friends in your life. You will have several party invitations, all of which look like lots of fun.

Virgo: You’re going to be getting some much needed rest as you find you’re sleeping better at night and have more energy during the day. Your intuition is working well this quarter, trust it.

Libra: You’re looking good. This quarter people are noticing a glow in your cheeks and vitality in your step. You’re attracting a lot of admirers and even some invitations.

Scorpio: The increase in money you’ve been wanting is here this quarter. There’s opportunities to make and receive more money and give your income a boost.

Sagittarius: Your mind’s on new information and education this quarter. There’s lots of opportunity to learn important things and meet great people while you’re doing it. Plus, is that a new car I see for you?

Capricorn: There’s good news in relation to your home or real estate situation. If you have a house for sale, consider it sold. If you want to fix up your current place the renovations will go very well.

Aquarius: There’s romance in the air. If you’re looking for love, it’s very close. And if you’re in a relationship put on the romantic music and a “do not disturb” sign on the door, there’s love in the air.

Pisces: This quarter of the year your attention’s is on change, change you’re dictating (which is the best kind of change). Whatever you want to change is a good idea. Change your routines and you’ll benefit. Change jobs and you’ll find a better one.



Predictions for Gemini’s

I ran the chart for those born under the sign of Gemini and here’s what I found for the coming year, birthday to birthday, for those living  on the West Coast.

There are lots of changes in the area of relationships (love, friendships and business partnerships) this year for Gemini’s. Take a look at what you really want in each relationship and don’t be afraid to speak up. Some of these relationships may need to change radically, others just need a gentle nudge in a better direction.

For your existing romantic relationships it may be time to spice things up. Consider arranging a romantic dinner somewhere or a mini getaway. Even curling up in front of the firepit in the backyard would be good to reconnect to your partner.

If you’re looking for love there are definitely some prospects coming. Get out of your dating rut and considering someone who you might not have considered before. This year try not to limit the prospects to a list but be open to what turns up on your doorstep.

There are strong opportunities for business partnerships this year. Even if your business is small you can benefit by combining forces with other small businesses. If you don’t own a business you can still gain from this energy by connecting with people in your industry through networking. There maybe a new job opportunity for you if you do. There will also be shifts in management this year, which may open the way for promotions.

Friendships will be wonderful this year. You will have opportunities to gather many friends for special occasions and holidays. Old friends you haven’t seen in years will reconnect with you.

Finances are stable but need a watchful eye. Be careful not to overspend on luxury items and don’t over-renovate the house. Find ways this year to have fun on a budget. Also look into ways of bringing in a little extra money but that don’t take too much of your time. This is a year to spend with people and not to spend all your time at a desk.

Want to know more? Visit Intuitive Planet

Predictions for Capricorns (living on the West Coast)

I ran the chart for those born under the sign of Capricorn and here’s what I found for the coming year, birthday to birthday, for those living on the West Coast.

If you’re looking for love this will be your year. Look around and you’ll see love and romance opportunities everywhere from strangers at Starbucks to old friends on Facebook. You will heal past issues of the heart and move forward into a happy union. This year say “yes” to the dates and welcome in love.

If you’re in an existing relationship it’s time to spice things up. Consider a romantic holiday for two. Have a date night. Or just sit up one night talking and laughing over wine and dessert. Treasure your relationship this year and it will deepen and grow more satisfying.

You are great at your job and deserve a raise and promotion but this year it’s important to let the boss know how much you have contributed to the success of your company. It may not be in your nature to brag but if you’re not heard you may be passed over. If you’re looking for a new position it may be hard to get past the gatekeepers to get the interview. But keep at it, once you get the interview you are inline for the job.

This is a good year to consider going back to school however make sure that the expenses you incur for higher education will translater into a higher salary. Taking classes just for the sake of doing something won’t be enough this year. Practical classes or subjects that are work-related are best.

Financial prospects are good this year. You will have opportunities in real estate and in commodities like gold and oil. Stay conservative in the first half of 2012 and then watch for price swings where you can jump in and out the market for a profit.

There may be some difficulty with your transportation this year. You may have car trouble or have some difficulty buying the car you want. Avoid buying a car in March, July and November.

And if you have children be prepared for a shock as one of them does a 180 degree turn in their life this year. You will be surprised to find they were listening to you all along.

Predictions for Sagittarius (living on the West Coast)

I ran the chart for those born under the sign of Sagittarius and here’s what I found for the coming year, birthday to birthday, for those living on the West Coast.

This is a year of excitement and change. When you look back a year from now you will be surprised how different your life is. It’s time to dig into your dreams and find out what you really want to manifest. What you wish for you can have this year. It’s better to know what you want than to allow fate to choose for you.

This year you will feel a healing both physically and emotionally. You body can get stronger and healthier. This year you can release emotional burdens. It’s time to move forward and leave old baggage behind. Be kind to yourself especially in your internal dialog. And remember that dwelling on the past won’t change it, only moving forward makes things better.

There is very strong career energy this year. You can receive an increase or promotion as your talents and contributions are being noticed. If you want to change jobs there will be opportunities. Keep your professional networks current and stay in touch with people so they can help you up the career ladder.

There is possible travel this year but more business travel will happen than vacation travel. You may find it’s more enjoyable to stay close to home for holidays and vacations.

There may be a desire to move this year. In Spring and Summer you will find you can sell your home. Renovation projects need to be monitored carefully or they may get out of hand. You could find a small closet update has you redoing the bedroom or buying a new range has you changing the entire kitchen.

You area of luck falls in the friendship house this year. You will be surrounded by friends and have opportunities to attend many parties. There will be a lot of supportive people around you.

And this is a good year to take a class or study something especially if it can be used in your career. Consider continuing education courses or studying online. If you’re a writer this is a good year to get your work out there. Either send it to some publishers or consider self-publishing. It’s time for your voice to be heard.

Predictions for the Year for West Coast Scorpios

Happy Birthday Scorpio

I ran the chart for Scorpio and here’s what I found for the coming year, birthday to birthday, for those living on the West Coast (predictions will be different for those living in other area).

This is a career year for Scorpio, a year you can find a job that you like, that brings recognition and a sense of personal fulfillment. Look to network both online (using social media) and in-person at networking groups and socially. A little bit of networking will go far this year.

Work is not the only place you will experience success, there are also good things on the home front. You can sell a residence, move or buy a residence more easily this year. Consider, however decluttering no matter if you are moving or staying put; there are things gathering dust in the closets. It’s also a good year to clear out storage units and get that extra expense out of your life.

You will have a stronger sense of control over your physical person. This means if you want to change your diet, quit a bad habit or start a new good habit you will find much more success than last year. Cold turkey will be the best method this year. Just jump in and start living the life you want.

While there are some money opportunities this year, money success will be boosted by your confidence in handling your money. If you come at money matters from a fearful place you will find dollars slipping through your fingers. You may have a desire to go back to school but weigh the option carefully with the amount of debt you’ll incur in the process.

Also legal matters are highlighted this year. It would be good to have one of those prepaid legal plans or a friend who’s a lawyer. You may not have to sue anyone this year but it would be good to know you could if necessary.

This year there maybe difficulties with a sibling or neighbor. There will have to compromises on both sides for there to be peace. But a few adjustments and everyone can end up happy.

Afraid to fly? Use the Moon Phases to guide you.

Afraid to fly? Even though I am a good flyer I vividly remember my flight next to the bolt salesman who told me, just after take off, how many bolts were holding the plane together (surprisingly less than I thought, I was tempted to take up a collection to get more bolts).  So, as an Astrologer, I like to pick a good day to fly.  And one easy rule is “if you can see the moon in the sky, it’s a good time to fly”.

The Moon is like a big magnet, it pulls at anything on the Earth. The Earth is able to hold on to most things; mountains, buildings, us, but the Earth can’t hold on to water or air.  As the Moon pulls on water it creates tides and as it pulls on air it creates atmospheric tides.  In short, when the Moon is overhead, there’s more air (atmosphere) and therefore more lift for the plane.  It’s a small thing but every little thing helps when you know the bolt count.

You might be thinking, I’m in Laguna Niguel with our morning marine layer and cloudy evenings, how can I see the Moon?  The calendar will be our guide.  If we want to fly during the day then we are looking for 3-4 days before or after the New Moon.  If we want to take the red eye then we want to fly 3-4 days before or after the Full Moon.  The next New Moon is September 27th, followed by the Full Moon on October 11th.  And just so you know, Christmas eve this year is on the New Moon.

Eclipses: two down, one to go

The next Solar Eclipse will be July 1st at 9 degrees of Cancer. Eclipses give us an opportunity (or forces us) to put our attention on what we want in our lives. In a Solar eclipse the Moon blocks the light of the Sun from reaching the Earth. So this eclipse challenges you to find new ways of expressing your ego (your specialness) in the world because you are finding you are blocked by emotional boundaries (fears, insecurities, etc.). Eclipses help us change what needs to be changed.